Monday, November 22, 2010

yogesha - योगेश - lord of yoga, kRiShNa

योगेश yogesha - lord of yoga
  • meaning = yoga योग + Isha ईश = lord, master, authority of yoga. kRiShNa कृष्ण .
  • pronunciation = yo-gay-shuh
  • ITRANS = yogesha
  • common english spelling = yogesh
  • gender = masc.
  • variations of names =
    1. yogeshwara योगेश्वर (masc.) = yoga योग + Ishwara ईश्वर  = lord of yoga. (english spelling - yogeshwar)
    2. yogendra योगेन्द्र (masc.) = yoga योग + indra इन्द्र = lord of yoga.
  • famous names =

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- shashikant joshi
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shailajA - शैलजा - daughter of the mountain, pArvatI

  • meaning = (fem) 
    • synonym for pArvatI (पार्वती). 
    • born of the mountain (himAlaya). 
    • shaila शैल = mountain; -jA -जा = born of (fem.).
  • pronunciation =shail-jaa
  • ITRANS =shailjA / shailajaa
  • common english spelling =shailja
  • gender =fem
  • variations of names =
    1. famous names =

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    - shashikant joshi
    All rights reserved. Sanskrit Names. Check us on Facebook

    amalA - अमला - without impurities

    अमला - amalA /amalaa
    • meaning = a + mala + -A suffix = without + impurity + feminine = one without impurity = pure
    • pronunciation = uh-muh-laa
    • ITRANS = amalA / amalaa
    • common english spelling = amala
    • gender = feminine
    • variations of names =
      1. amala अमल (masc) = without impurity. pure
    • famous names =
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    - shashikant joshi
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    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    vishvanAtha - विश्वनाथ

    • meaning = lord (nAtha) of the universe (vishva)
    • pronunciation = vi-shwa-naa-th
    • ITRANS = vishvanAtha.
    • common english spelling = vishwanath.
      technically, sanskrit letter is pronounced like 'w' (labial, lips rounded and sounded as oo + uh) and not like 'v' (fricative, lower lip under upper teeth). but traditional spellings have been using v AND w in the spelling, that is just tradition. that is why, ITRANS, the initial attempts at using roman characters to map sanskrit letters, recognizes BOTH v and w for the sound, since there IS NO v sound in sanskrit.
    • gender = male
      1. vishvesha (m) = vishva (universe)+ iisha (lord) = universe + lord = shiva
      2. vishveshvara (m) = vishva (universe)+ iishvara (lord) = universe + lord = shiva
    • famous names =

      Viswanathan Anand - (above) the forever surprising and awesome grandmaster of chess

      Gundappa Viswanath, famous cricketer.

      Mokshagundam_Visvesvarayya, (above) the visionary architect and engineer of karNATaka state (erstwhile mysore kingdom) who lived for 102 years.

      Viswanatha Satyanarayana, famous telugu poet

      Divakar Viswanath mathematician

      viswanatha swamy temple - kerala temple

      kashi vishwanath temple - famous shiva temple in kAshI (vArANasI) 
    like it? then become a fan of the blog. - shashikant joshi Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    sanskrit names tattoo help

    there has been many requests for basic translations for tattoo art, or writing in sanskrit script (devanAgarI).

    please send an email to

    please provide your name, email and the text to be written in sanskrit or to be translated in sanskrit/hindi. giving any context to the request will help, like - the sentiment you want to convey, how you will use it etc. also, if you want a foreign (english) word written as is in sanskrit script, then provide the pronunciation key, since writing in sanskrit is exactly as it is pronounced, not as is written in english!

    here are a couple of examples in various fonts -



    customizations can be done, including colors, or even writing by hand for a personal touch.

    शुभमस्तु ।

    (c) shashikant joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
    Practical Sanskrit. All rights reserved.

    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    vaasudeva - वासुदेव

    the base word is vasu - वसु  (see vAsudeva in the variations)
    • meaning = vasu = wealth; bounty; precious stone; gold; eight vasus (type of devas), hence number eight; kubera; shiva; agni;
    • pronunciation = va-su
    • ITRANS = vasu
    • common english spelling = vasu
    • gender = m
    • variations of names =
      1. vasudeva (m) = वसुदेव = father of kRiShNa, son of sUra. the shloka for kRiShNa goes - 'vasudeva-sutam devam kaMsa chANUra-mardanam...' here vasudeva is the father, and vasudeva-sutam become kRiShNa, the son of vasudeva.
      2. vasudhA (f) = वसुधा = earth; the treasure (-dhA) of vasu (wealth)
      3. vAsudeva (m) = वासुदेव = of vasudeva; son of vasudeva, kRiShNa. the famous mantra - 'om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya' is addressed to vAsudeva.
      4. vasudhArA (f) = वसुधारा = capital city of kubera.
      5. vAsavaH (m) = वासवः = indra
      6. vasundharA (f) = वसुंधरा = earth, the one bearing, holding the wealth (natural resources)
      7. other words, not necessarily names -
        • vastu = वस्तु = thing, from vas ; vastutaH = in reality, actually;
        • vAsuH = वासुः = (sarvatra vasati, resides everywhere) AtmA, viShNu
        • vAsuki = वासुकि = name of a particular nAga (snake)

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    - shashikant joshi Sanskrit Names.
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    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    chandra - चन्द्र

    चन्द्र (m)
    • meaning = moon
    • pronunciation = chan-druh
    • ITRANS = chandra
    • common english spelling = chandra, chander
    • gender = m
    • variations of names =
      1. chanda (f) = chandā = चन्दा = moon (hindi)
      2. chandrakala (f) = chandrakalā = चन्द्रकला = (beautiful) phases of moon
      3. chandrakant (m) = chandrakānta = चन्द्रकान्त= master, owner, holder of moon, lord shiva
      4. chandrakanta (f) = chandrakāntā = चन्द्रकान्ता = moon light
      5. chandrachud (m) = chandracūḍa = चन्द्रचूड = one who has moon on his matted hair, lord shiva
      6. chandradhar (m) = chandradhara = चन्द्रधर = one holding the moon, lord shiva
      7. chandraprakash (m) = chandraprakāśa = चन्द्रप्रकाश = light of moon
      8. chandraprabha (f) = chandraprabhā = चन्द्रप्रभा = light of moon
      9. chandrabhal (m) = chandrabhāla = चन्द्रभाल =  one who has moon on his forehead, lord shiva
      10. chandrabhushan (m) = chandrabhūṣaṇa = चन्द्रभूषण = one who adorns the moon, lord shiva
      11. chandramukhi (f) = chandramukhī = चन्द्रमुखी = one with face as beautiful as moon, luna!
      12. chandravadan (m) = chandravadana = चन्द्रवदन = moon faced (beauty)
      13. chandrashekhar = chandraśekhara = चन्द्रशेखर = one with moon on his head, lord shiva
      14. chandani (f) = chām̐danī = चाँदनी = moonlight (hindi)
    • famous names = former cricketer Bhagwat Chandrasekhar; noble prize winner physicist CV Raman; indepedence fighter Chandrashekhar Azad (other names)

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    - shashikant joshi
    Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010

    kamala, kamalaa कमल कमला

    कमल (m)

    • meaning = kam jalam alati? kamalam (kamalam, neutr) lotus; water; copper; (kamalaH, masc.) a kind of deer; a type of crane
    • pronunciation =kuh-muh-luh
    • ITRANS =kamala
    • common english spelling = kamal
    • gender =neutral. variations have both genders
    • variations of names =
      1. kamalA (f) = कमला = kamala = goddess lakShmI
      2. kamalA-pati (m) = कमलापति = kamalapati = husband of goddess lakShmI, viShNu
      3. kamalAkShI (f) = कमलाक्षी = kamalakshi = one with beautiful eyes like lotus (petals)
      4. kamala-nayana (m) = कमलनयन = kamalnayan =  viShNu
      5. kamala-nayanI (f) = कमलनयनी = kamalnayani = one with beautiful eyes like lotus
      6. kamalaja (m) = कमलज = kamalaj = born out of lotus, brahmA the creator, who is born of the lotus coming forth the navel of viShNu
    • famous names = kamalA nehru

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    - shashikant joshi
    Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    anshu - अंशु

    • meaning =ray of light; brilliance; particle; end of a thread; 
    • details = 'ansh' (अंश) means a part, to distribute, so rays are as if the source of light is divided into small parts! as if the sun is divided into billions-trillions-gazillion parts every second and 
    • pronunciation =anshu
    • ITRANS =aMshu
    • common english spelling =anshu
    • gender =m
    • variations of names =
      1. anshul (m) = अंशुल = brilliant. [anshulaH = chANakya]
      2. anshumAn (m) = अंशुमान =  full of rays, the sun. also name of asmanjasa's son, sagara's grandson and father of dileepa (all from raghu kula, ancestors of lord rAma)
      3. anshumAlA (f) = अंशुमाला =  aura of light, garland, manDala of brilliant rays
      4. anshumAlI (m) = अंशुमाली = sun
    • famous names =anshumAn gAyakawAd (former cricket player)

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    - shashikant joshi
    Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook


    starting the blog with this auspicious name!

    • meaning = om needs no introduction. it is the primordial sound. audio representation of the supreme divine. entire books can be written on this. it is the formless, para-brahma in which all forms (even brahmA, viShNu, shiva) merge.
    • pronunciation = om
    • ITRANS = om
    • common english spelling = om, aum
    • gender = both 
    • variations of names =
      1. Omprakash (masc.) = ओमप्रकाश = om-prakAsha = light of om 
      2. Onkar/Omkar (fem.) = ओंकार = omkAra = sound of om
    • famous names = om puri (actor), omprakash (actor), hari om sharan (devotional singer)

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    - shashikant joshi
    Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook