Tuesday, March 23, 2010

vaasudeva - वासुदेव

the base word is vasu - वसु  (see vAsudeva in the variations)
  • meaning = vasu = wealth; bounty; precious stone; gold; eight vasus (type of devas), hence number eight; kubera; shiva; agni;
  • pronunciation = va-su
  • ITRANS = vasu
  • common english spelling = vasu
  • gender = m
  • variations of names =
    1. vasudeva (m) = वसुदेव = father of kRiShNa, son of sUra. the shloka for kRiShNa goes - 'vasudeva-sutam devam kaMsa chANUra-mardanam...' here vasudeva is the father, and vasudeva-sutam become kRiShNa, the son of vasudeva.
    2. vasudhA (f) = वसुधा = earth; the treasure (-dhA) of vasu (wealth)
    3. vAsudeva (m) = वासुदेव = of vasudeva; son of vasudeva, kRiShNa. the famous mantra - 'om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya' is addressed to vAsudeva.
    4. vasudhArA (f) = वसुधारा = capital city of kubera.
    5. vAsavaH (m) = वासवः = indra
    6. vasundharA (f) = वसुंधरा = earth, the one bearing, holding the wealth (natural resources)
    7. other words, not necessarily names -
      • vastu = वस्तु = thing, from vas ; vastutaH = in reality, actually;
      • vAsuH = वासुः = (sarvatra vasati, resides everywhere) AtmA, viShNu
      • vAsuki = वासुकि = name of a particular nAga (snake)

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- shashikant joshi Sanskrit Names.
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

chandra - चन्द्र

चन्द्र (m)
  • meaning = moon
  • pronunciation = chan-druh
  • ITRANS = chandra
  • common english spelling = chandra, chander
  • gender = m
  • variations of names =
    1. chanda (f) = chandā = चन्दा = moon (hindi)
    2. chandrakala (f) = chandrakalā = चन्द्रकला = (beautiful) phases of moon
    3. chandrakant (m) = chandrakānta = चन्द्रकान्त= master, owner, holder of moon, lord shiva
    4. chandrakanta (f) = chandrakāntā = चन्द्रकान्ता = moon light
    5. chandrachud (m) = chandracūḍa = चन्द्रचूड = one who has moon on his matted hair, lord shiva
    6. chandradhar (m) = chandradhara = चन्द्रधर = one holding the moon, lord shiva
    7. chandraprakash (m) = chandraprakāśa = चन्द्रप्रकाश = light of moon
    8. chandraprabha (f) = chandraprabhā = चन्द्रप्रभा = light of moon
    9. chandrabhal (m) = chandrabhāla = चन्द्रभाल =  one who has moon on his forehead, lord shiva
    10. chandrabhushan (m) = chandrabhūṣaṇa = चन्द्रभूषण = one who adorns the moon, lord shiva
    11. chandramukhi (f) = chandramukhī = चन्द्रमुखी = one with face as beautiful as moon, luna!
    12. chandravadan (m) = chandravadana = चन्द्रवदन = moon faced (beauty)
    13. chandrashekhar = chandraśekhara = चन्द्रशेखर = one with moon on his head, lord shiva
    14. chandani (f) = chām̐danī = चाँदनी = moonlight (hindi)
  • famous names = former cricketer Bhagwat Chandrasekhar; noble prize winner physicist CV Raman; indepedence fighter Chandrashekhar Azad (other names)

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- shashikant joshi
Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

kamala, kamalaa कमल कमला

कमल (m)

  • meaning = kam jalam alati? kamalam (kamalam, neutr) lotus; water; copper; (kamalaH, masc.) a kind of deer; a type of crane
  • pronunciation =kuh-muh-luh
  • ITRANS =kamala
  • common english spelling = kamal
  • gender =neutral. variations have both genders
  • variations of names =
    1. kamalA (f) = कमला = kamala = goddess lakShmI
    2. kamalA-pati (m) = कमलापति = kamalapati = husband of goddess lakShmI, viShNu
    3. kamalAkShI (f) = कमलाक्षी = kamalakshi = one with beautiful eyes like lotus (petals)
    4. kamala-nayana (m) = कमलनयन = kamalnayan =  viShNu
    5. kamala-nayanI (f) = कमलनयनी = kamalnayani = one with beautiful eyes like lotus
    6. kamalaja (m) = कमलज = kamalaj = born out of lotus, brahmA the creator, who is born of the lotus coming forth the navel of viShNu
  • famous names = kamalA nehru

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- shashikant joshi
Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

anshu - अंशु

  • meaning =ray of light; brilliance; particle; end of a thread; 
  • details = 'ansh' (अंश) means a part, to distribute, so rays are as if the source of light is divided into small parts! as if the sun is divided into billions-trillions-gazillion parts every second and 
  • pronunciation =anshu
  • ITRANS =aMshu
  • common english spelling =anshu
  • gender =m
  • variations of names =
    1. anshul (m) = अंशुल = brilliant. [anshulaH = chANakya]
    2. anshumAn (m) = अंशुमान =  full of rays, the sun. also name of asmanjasa's son, sagara's grandson and father of dileepa (all from raghu kula, ancestors of lord rAma)
    3. anshumAlA (f) = अंशुमाला =  aura of light, garland, manDala of brilliant rays
    4. anshumAlI (m) = अंशुमाली = sun
  • famous names =anshumAn gAyakawAd (former cricket player)

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- shashikant joshi
Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook


starting the blog with this auspicious name!

  • meaning = om needs no introduction. it is the primordial sound. audio representation of the supreme divine. entire books can be written on this. it is the formless, para-brahma in which all forms (even brahmA, viShNu, shiva) merge.
  • pronunciation = om
  • ITRANS = om
  • common english spelling = om, aum
  • gender = both 
  • variations of names =
    1. Omprakash (masc.) = ओमप्रकाश = om-prakAsha = light of om 
    2. Onkar/Omkar (fem.) = ओंकार = omkAra = sound of om
  • famous names = om puri (actor), omprakash (actor), hari om sharan (devotional singer)

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- shashikant joshi
Sanskrit Names. All rights reserved. Check us on Facebook