योगेश yogesha - lord of yoga
- meaning = yoga योग + Isha ईश = lord, master, authority of yoga. kRiShNa कृष्ण .
- pronunciation = yo-gay-shuh
- ITRANS = yogesha
- common english spelling = yogesh
- gender = masc.
- variations of names =
- yogeshwara योगेश्वर (masc.) = yoga योग + Ishwara ईश्वर = lord of yoga. (english spelling - yogeshwar)
- yogendra योगेन्द्र (masc.) = yoga योग + indra इन्द्र = lord of yoga.
- famous names =
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- shashikant joshi
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- meaning = (fem)
- synonym for pArvatI (पार्वती).
- born of the mountain (himAlaya).
- shaila शैल = mountain; -jA -जा = born of (fem.).
- pronunciation =shail-jaa
- ITRANS =shailjA / shailajaa
- common english spelling =shailja
- gender =fem
- variations of names =
- famous names =
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- shashikant joshi
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Sanskrit Names.
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अमला - amalA /amalaa
- meaning = a + mala + -A suffix = without + impurity + feminine = one without impurity = pure
- pronunciation = uh-muh-laa
- ITRANS = amalA / amalaa
- common english spelling = amala
- gender = feminine
- variations of names =
- amala अमल (masc) = without impurity. pure
- famous names =
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- shashikant joshi
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Sanskrit Names.
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